This Designer Diary was originally published at BoardGameGeek News on January 14, 2013.
The Short Version
I've always
enjoyed tinkering with and designing games. In the summer of 2010 I started
designing a space empire game called
inspired in part by the many sci-fi authors I enjoy. I endeavored to break the
mold and create a space empire game with a big open decision space, lots of room
for creative and dynamic gameplay, and mechanisms appropriately abstracted to
match the theme of galactic domination.
The first prototypes were tested
in early 2011 after spending months in a sketchbook working out the concepts.
With the help of space artist Alex Skinner, I had an attractive prototype to use
and share with willing test subjects. I then spent the next fifteen months,
until mid-2012, developing the game, testing with external (blind) playtest
groups, and polishing the gameplay.
Towards the end of the summer of
2012, with the help of some BGG friends, I began pitching the game to interested
Minion Games was quick to pick up
Hegemonic, and we've
been working feverishly this fall and winter getting the game ready for
Hegemonic is a space empire game wrapped around
an area-control style game. It is has a high level of direct conflict and
interaction in the game, yet also feels more "Euro" than many of other space
empire games. It is distinct because players' industrial, political, and martial
systems all contribute toward their economy and area control, and all of them
can be used to initiate conflicts.
If you like big, deep, conflict-driven
Eurogames, please continue reading!